
LiveStrong Challenge Day 1: Check-In

We finally arrived to the LiveStrong Expo! The sun was shining, the birds were chirping, and the Potty Queen Latrines were ripe. Success was in the air. The environment was filled with cyclists of all levels which helped ease my nerves and jolt my excitement. Some were cancer survivors, some had some type of cancer, some knew or lost someone to it and others just wanted to kick the awful disease in the balls. Everyone was connected with one common thread: cancer has impacted every life in one way or another.

I got an awesome little goodie bag filled with a bright yellow shirt, water bottle, Lance Armstrong Collector's book, and other fun knick knacks. I'm number 5556; I feel so professional. My inner Lance is starting to roar.

 The expo was also filled with sponsors aka lots and lots of freebies! I'm a sucker for free things. Though I filled my bag to the brim with souvenirs, my favorite part of the expo was the Mission Tent.

In the booth, people were able to honor the names of loved ones who've died from cancer or celebrate those who have survived. My favorite mention was from a cancer survivor, he wrote: cancer may have taken my testicles but it gave me balls. 

Before we left, I had to admire the cars....


And!...I helped save a life. Meet Baby Monty, the not-so-snapping snapping turtle (he's seen better days). We found this little guy trying to make his way across the million degree hot pavement. I acted fast and shoved him in my shoe; I whisked him off to the safety of a shaded creek. Operation Save Monty: accomplished.


I have a 5 am wake-up call tomorrow, yikes! All riders need to be at the starting position at 7:15! It's suppose to rain, but I'm currently doing a reverse rain dance and trying not to psyche myself out. Rain could be refreshing. I'm a little nervous because I don't know what to expect during my 45 miles, but if I  (wise words from my wise mother) take my time and just enjoy the ride, then I'll be fine. It should take me about 3 hours to complete. In times like these, I must channel Monty and remember slow and steady wins the race....as long as I don't get fried on the black top.




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