
Full Body Home Work-Out

Hi Everyone! I feel like it's been months since I last blogged. I was recently in Ireland for 10 days and the lack of WiFi and beautiful scenery made it difficult to sit myself down and type (I did post pictures on my new blog if you have a wee bit of free time). AND when I returned, I have been swamped with school work.   So my apologizes, I understand this is a 2-way relationship and I will work harder to do my half of the work. Trust me, it's me not you.

ANYWAYS. Since I haven't blogged in a while, I am anxious to tell you about my morning! I have been getting a bad case of gym boredom. I love the gym but a person can only stair step so much. I needed something to mix up my fitness repertoire.

So, I decided I wanted to strive to be the epitome of self-motivation and work out at home. I have had bad experiences with this and I tend to slack off after rep 2. To silence my inner couch potato, I thought I'd YouTube a workout video to motivate me. I landed upon the Holy Grail of online workout videos.

Fitness Blender is a website that offers FREE full length workouts. There's a ton and you can select videos according to what kind of work out you're looking to do. The videos are easy to follow and I enjoy the male narrator. Plus the video descriptions tell you what kind of exercises are included, the level of difficulty and how many calories you'll burn. This was my morning work out:

At first, you're thinking "psh, I should be teaching this video" but by the end you're whimpering through your sweat (or are those tears?). But in all honesty, t's a great work out and I like how you can mix and match different routines to personalize your own fitness plan. 

I'm sore but it's a good sore, the soreness of champions. Who says you need a gym to sweat it out?



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