A gym of any sort is out of the question so we stay active by running, biking, rowing and hiking. My boyfriend and I didn't bring our road bikes up this time--- the first hill off my road is known for flashing your life before your eyes--- instead, we hiked and the view looked like a photograph (and with the help of Instragram it really did, mwhaha!).

Whew! Going up was a workout but we did see 21 frogs--- which doesn't have to do with the hardness of the hike but it was still a lot of frogs!
Before the weekend my aunt and I bought several bushels of rhubarb from the farmer's market. I haven't cooked a ton with it but wanted to try a crisp with a healthy twist, so I introduce to you my "healthified" version of Strawberry-Rhubarb Crisp.
What you'll need:
4 C chopped
3 C hulled and
halved strawberries
14 packets of Stevia (we only had individual packets)--- or use 1/2 cup of suagr
2 tsp cornstarch
4 tsp butter at
room temperature
4 tsp unsweetened applesauce
1 C soft white wheat flour
1/2 cup oats
1/4 cup brown sugar
What to do:
- Preheat the oven to 400 degrees and grease a baking pan.
- In a large bowl, mix the rhubarb, strawberries, Stevia, and cornstarch.
- Pour into the greased baking dish.
- In another bowl, add the butter and applesauce into the flour oats and brown sugar.
- Sprinkle the topping over the fruit and bake about 30 minutes, topping should be golden brown.
- Let cool and enjoy!
The crisp.....
and weekend was a success!
I'm not a fan of Stevia, but it's a simple recipe and we have lots of rhubarb in the garden, will have to try!
You can substitute real sugar, regardless it's going to be delicious! :)
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