It's that bittersweet time of the year: the end of summer. School is starting back up (sweet), but it'll probably snow in about a month (bitter). Regardless, my summer was filled with a ton of rewarding experiences; I couldn't of asked for a more fulfilling season-- personally and externally.
Like the midnight news, here's a recap of the Top 5 headline-worthy achievements of my summer (in no particular order):
1) Overcoming a fear: Running in my first 5k
I overcame my fear of running, and participated in something that would have sounded absurd two years ago. Like phonics, I'm hooked and hoping to participate in a half marathon in the near future!
I overcame my fear of running, and participated in something that would have sounded absurd two years ago. Like phonics, I'm hooked and hoping to participate in a half marathon in the near future!
2) Started a new hobby: Cycling
I finally gave in and bought a Trek road bike (aka Colbalt aka Colbie) which became the beginning of a beautiful relationship.
We starred as the dynamic duo in my first big LiveStrong 45 mile bike race which led to...
3) New family addition: Sophie
Sophie's spunky and loving personality became a perfect family fit, and she finally grew on Heidi after she stopped trying to nurse from her. Though my dad refers to her as the "Hellien", we are all completely in love.
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Having a garden has encouraged me to try new recipes and practice my cooking. Plus, I'm the epitome of a food-a-holic so anything that has to with food is motivation enough. My mom always said that cooking just takes practice, and I have to say she was right. A couple years ago, I thought I was doomed to a lifestyle of cereal and frozen meals...but there's hope for me yet. I love to cook, especially when I am able cook for others. What's that famous biblical manta?...Give a woman a fish, and she can eat for a day; but, teach a woman to cook and she can eat for a lifetime? Something like that ;)
5) Received "Bucket List Worthy" Recognition: Stonyfield
This was unexpected, but nevertheless made me jump with joy. I didn't know when I wrote my post about Stonyfield that it would actually be read by the company. I was just expressing my love affair with the company's products, and was thrilled to know that they thought I was "moo-rific" in return.
This was unexpected, but nevertheless made me jump with joy. I didn't know when I wrote my post about Stonyfield that it would actually be read by the company. I was just expressing my love affair with the company's products, and was thrilled to know that they thought I was "moo-rific" in return.
School has started aka time to set a few more goals to make the Fall just a rewarding and successful as the Summer. Half-marathon, possibly? Hey, why not shoot for the stars.
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